I cannot think of a better title for a post about today. I do realize that I’m long overdue for a post, but I’ve been a maniac since returning from NYC. It’s a good thing. I’ve been busy doing all sorts of things, including running a 5k. And preparing content for the blog in the background. So, this is a quickie.
Anyway, today is a momentous occasion for me. This isn’t a political blog, but I am a political person. Whether or not you share my politics, I have to be me. And part of that is being very happy with the SCOTUS ruling on DOMA. Quite frankly, I’ve been on the edge of my seat for so long, waiting for it to be crushed. And here I am, thrilled to bits.

Image from CBS News
In doing the social media happy dance with friends on Facebook, it struck me that there is no better song for this moment than Jeff Buckley’s rendition of “Hallelujah”. Let it be known that I also love the Leonard Cohen original, but there’s something about Jeff’s voice that feels like he is reaching right into my chest and controlling the beats of my heart. And I cannot think of a better sound to celebrate our victory today. I am thrilled that all of my loved ones, regardless of sexuality, are finally steps closer to what we all have — the right to marry each other in any state. Until that occurs, there is still work to be done!
And now, for a little Jeff:
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